Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Conservation of plant diversity

 Biodiversity is the pillar that allows ecosystems to function and humans to thrive. Without biodiversity in an ecosystem we would not have the many plants and animals we find in our world today, including us. Biodiversity is the “biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals.”

This includes the number of different species and genetic variation within the same species. The different plants and animals in an environment work together to maintain balance in the ecosystem [1].  These interactions create functioning systems that provide food, medicine, and new technologies for us. Unfortunately, as we have spread across the globe we have disrupted and destroyed many ecosystems by reducing their biodiversity. This damage can be seen in many places, like reduced crop yields in developing countries and the increasing rate of animal extinction.

Why is Plant diversity is important?

Plant diversity is important for many reasons and they can be generally divided into two categories: the importance for ecosystems and for us.

Biodiversity is what allows ecosystems to work and flourish. Over millions of years many different species of plants and animals have come to live in the same habitats. Over time they balance each other and hold the ecosystem together. When a species is removed (biodiversity is reduced) the ecosystem can lose its balance, causing it to break down.

One iconic example of this is sea otters in kelp forests along the California coast. Sea otters feed on sea urchins and sea urchins feed on kelp. If sea otters are removed sea urchins multiply, eating large portions of the kelp forest, destroying the habitat and eventually leading to the death of other animals that live there. The whole ecosystem falls apart.

Having a large biodiversity protects against a situation like this and makes ecosystems more resilient to change. In short, biodiversity maintains the balance of an ecosystem to keep them functioning and self-regulating.

For us biodiversity provides billions of dollars’ worth of resources, which we call ecosystem services. These services are separated into three types:

  • provisioning services
  • regulating services
  • cultural services

Provisioning services encompass anything relating to the production of renewable resources, like farming or energy production. In farming having a larger biodiversity of crops reduces the risk that they all die from the same weather event or disease. This increases the overall yield and protects the farmer.

Regulating services refers to anything that lessens environmental change. Maintaining biodiversity of tree species in a forest increases the amount of trees that grow there. Having more trees means they absorb more CO2, helping contain climate change.

Biodiverse mountains

Cultural services are anything that we get direct value or enjoyment from. This can be any type of outdoor recreation.

Biodiversity has played an important role in creating the planet we live on and continues to help us improve our lives. So, the real value of biodiversity is beyond anything our mind can even imagine.

How we can protect biodiversity

Even though the biodiversity of many habitats has become threatened there are many things we can do to help reduce this danger. These are some of the steps you can take to conserve biodiversity.

#1 Government legislation

Governments have the power to control what is done to the habitats within their country. Legislation that protects natural habitats by outlawing development, harvesting of natural resources, or other human exploitation has a huge impact on maintaining natural biodiversity.

Additionally, laws protecting specific species like the USA’s Endangered Species Act helps protect animals that have already been impacted [4].

Protecting habitats before they have been altered is the best form on biodiversity conservation and is most successfully implemented by government regulations.

2 Nature preserves

Nature preserves are a form of government regulation and are often known as National Parks. They protect a region and the organisms that live there from certain forms of development and provide access for people to visit them. This is excellent because it protects the natural habitat and is a place where people can view the ecosystem.

The goal is that over time this helps people have more respect for the natural world and increases pressure on government to further protect other areas.

Currently 12 percent of earth’s surface is covered by nature preserves [6,7].

3 Reducing amount of invasive species

Invasive species are sometimes introduced to an area on purpose, but also sometimes by accident. To limit the number of invasive species moved by accident planes, ships, and cargo must be thoroughly checked before it is offloaded in a new country.

Additionally, people should not bring new species of animals or plants to an area without consulting ecologists knowledgeable on the region.

5 Captive breeding and seed banks

Captive breeding is when animals in captivity (often at zoos) are bred. This is seen as somewhat controversial, as it requires the capture of animals that are often near extinction. On the positive side it provides the opportunity to increase the population of the species, so they can be reintroduced into the wild [4].

Seed banks are areas where huge varieties of plant seeds are stored. This provides a failsafe if a species goes extinct in nature. The plant can be grown from a saved seed and reintroduced back into its habitat.

This is a very real issue and seed banks have been collecting samples for many years, with some seed banks having over 2 billion seeds stored at a time [8].

#6 Research

Understanding how species interact within their environment is crucial to protecting them. As humans further understand species interaction we find new and more direct ways to help protect organisms and maintain biodiversity.

One example is the use of wildlife corridors in urbanized areas. By researching many different species we have found that this dramatically increase their populations [9]. It reduces the number of animals that come into direct contact with humans and provides areas for migratory animals to move long distances.

#7 Reduce climate change

As we know, climate change has disastrous consequences for all living things on earth. We use huge amounts of fossil fuels, which directly cause climate change. 

We need to move away from fossil fuels and towards alternative energy sources and natural or sustainable products. Reducing the effects of climate change requires a worldwide effort.

#8 Purchase sustainable products

Many protects are now labeled with ecolabels that state if they are environmentally friendly. Some of the most prominent ecolabels are Energy StarUSDA Organic, and Rainforest Alliance Certified [5].

Our consumption of natural resources is one of the main reasons for biodiversity loss, so it is our responsibility to consume products that are produced in the most sustainable way possible.

Additionally, when we consume these goods it increases demand for environmentally conscious products pushing more producers to make them.

#9 Sustainable living

Sustainable living is something that we can each choose to do on a daily basis. Whether it be by taking shorter showers, riding a bike to work, or buying ecolabeled products it helps reduce the amount of resources we use.

Riding bike to work

This is arguably the most important way of protecting biodiversity because everyone can do it, often with only small lifestyle changes. If everyone chose to live sustainably, biodiversity in a variety habitats would improve.

#10 Education

As with most environmental topics, education is one of the keys to success. Educating people about the importance of biodiversity conservation increases public awareness of the issue. As public awareness increases people become more involved and eventually influence their government representatives, pushing for more environmental protection.

Government legislation protecting our natural environments is one of the most effective ways of protecting biodiversity.

11. Habitat restoration

After an area is damaged by human impacts we can try to return it to its natural state. This means bringing back the plants and animals that are naturally found there. This has been shown to be a promising way of returning biodiversity to a region.

Wolf pack in the wild

One example of this is the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park. When wolves returned to the region they ate more elk and coyote, which increased the prey species of the coyote and let riparian (river bank) areas trampled by elk recover [4].

These restoration projects can be undertaken by governments, local organizations, or NGOs.

The role of science and technology in conserving biodiversity

As our society develops we continually use more resources, which stains natural biodiversity, but development also leads to improved science and technology.

Currently science and technology are two of the most important tools in conservation biology.

We use science, and specifically ecology, to understand the web of interactions in our biomes. By understanding these interactions scientists are able to pinpoint the key species in ecosystems. This information is used to guide conservation efforts.

It is also used to understand pollution and its cascading effects within an ecosystem. Bio-magnification of toxins in a food chain can cause huge problems for top predators. This is an ever adapting field of science and these two examples are just a few ways to implement the information it uncovers [10].

Technology is becoming more and more important in conservation biology. Sustainable technologies, like renewable energies, biodegradable packaging, and recycling, help reduce our impact on the environment.

Additionally, technologies like cloning give scientists the ability to bring back species that are already considered extinct.

Biodiversity in natural ecosystems is of the utmost importance. It helps provide the resources and services that we rely on every day. The development and urbanization of humans poses a serious risk for natural biodiversity. 

If nothing is done to reduce these changes, there will be disastrous consequences. There are many things we can do in politics, science, and even in our daily lives to help fix these issues. As humans we need to understand the risks associated with our consuming lifestyles and work hard to fix what is already damaged and prevent future harm.

The time has come for us to unite and save biodiversity.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Plants are the renewable resources but plant diversity is not.

 Plant diversity refers to the existence of wide variety of plant species in their natural environments. There are around 300,000-500,000 species of vascular plants that exist on earth (Figure 1).

Land plants include bryophytes (mosses), lycophytes (ferns), gymnosperms (woody plants without flowers but seed and cones are present), and angiosperms (flowering plants).

Aquatic plants include varieties of algae. Diversity of plant life is important as it supports various life forms (decomposers and herbivores).

Introduction to Plants

Plants are multicellular and mostly photosynthetic organisms, which are found both in water and on land. They are the primary producers (autotrophs) and are of fundamental importance in a food chain.

Plants range in size from few millimeters in length to giant sequoias of California that reach 90 meters.

Wolffia is a smallest rootless aquatic angiosperm, whereas Eucalyptus regnans is the tallest

Figure 2. Wolffia globosa (Fresh water Alga)

Angiosperms or flowering plants are the dominant forms of plants on the earth.

Types of Plants

Plants may be categorized into several types depending upon various characteristics.

Based on their habitat (where they live), plants are classified into following groups (Figure 9):


Plants growing close to and submerged under water are called hydrophytes, e.g. Hydrilla (Figure 3), Wolffia, Sagittaria.

Figure 3. Hydrilla verticillata water weed
Figure 3. Hydrilla verticillata water weed


They grow in moist and shady habitats. Their leaves are well developed stem and roots are spongy, and show stunted growth, e.g. Ferns (Figure 4), Begonias.

Figure 4. Fern
Course HomeFigure 4. Fern

These plants grow in saline soil or water. Common examples are mangrove plants, e.g., Rhizophora (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Rhizophora (Mangrove trees)
Figure 5. Rhizophora (Mangrove trees)


Plants that require moderate water for their growth and development are known as mesophytes. Majority of angiosperms belong to this group.


The plants which grow in dry conditions or where water is negligible, are known as xerophytes, e.g., euphorbia, acacia (Figure 6), etc.

Figure 6. Acacia tree in the African savannah
Figure 6. Acacia tree in the African savannah

Xerophytes store water in their stem (opuntia), leaves (aloe, bryophyllum), or in roots (asparagus). They are called as succulents.


Plants that grow on the trunk or branches of the other plants, e.g., orchid (Figure 7), lichen.

Figure 7. Potted white orchids (Phalaenopsis)
Figure 7. Potted white orchids (Phalaenopsis)

Parasitic Plants

These plants live on other plants as parasites, e.g. Cuscuta (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Cuscuta
Figure 8. Cuscuta
Figure 9. Types of plants on the basis of their habitat
Figure 9. Types of plants on the basis of their habitat

Based on their nutrition, Plants are classified into two groups (Figure 10):

Autotrophs/ Autophytes

These plants can produce their own food. They are divided into phototrophs (produce their own food by photosynthesis) and chemotrophs (produce their own food by utilizing chemical energy).

Majority of plants belong to this group.


These plants are not able to produce their own food and depend on others for food. Parasitic and saprophytic plants belong to this group.

Figure 10. Types of plants on the basis of their nutrition
Figure 10. Types of plants on the basis of their nutrition

Based on their shape, size and form, angiosperms are classified into four groups:


The stem of these plants is green, delicate and short. Their life cycle is short, e..g., wheat (Figure 11), gram.

Figure 11. Wheat
Figure 11. Wheat


These plants are woody, branched, have several stems with no main axis, e.g. rose (Figure 12), hibiscus.

Figure 12. English rose garden
Figure 12. English rose garden


They are hard, woody, very well developed, and thick. Possess a trunk, e.g. banyan tree (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Banyan tree
Figure 13. Banyan tree


In these plants, nodes and internodes are extremely prominent, e.g. bamboo (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Bamboo forest
Figure 14. Bamboo forest
Figure 4. Types of plants based on their habit
Figure 4. Types of plants based on their habit

Based on the nature of stem, the angiosperms are classified into four groups:


These plants grow upright. Most trees (Figure , shrubs and some herbs belong to this group.


These plants have trailing stem on which roots are present throughout. For example, Oxalis, Cynodon (doob grass). Adventitious roots arise from nodes throughout the length of the stem,


They resemble creepers but lack the adventitious roots does not arise from nodes. Basella belongs to this group.


Pea plants belong to this group. These plants have weak stem. They climb on some support by tendrils, spines, adventitious roots etc.

Figure 15. Types of plants based on their nature of stem
Figure 15. Types of plants based on their nature of stem

Based on their life-span, plants are classified into following four groups (Figure 16):


These plants complete their life span within a very short period, eg. Solanum xanthocarpum.


They complete their life-cycle within one year and die after producing seeds, e.g., wheat, rice


These plants complete their life-cycle in two years. For first year, they grow by vegetative reproduction. In second year. they develop flowers, fruits and seeds, e.g., Radish.


These plants have long life, e.g., banyan tree.

Figure 16. Types of plants based of their life span
Figure 16. Types of plants based of their life span

What Plants need to survive and grow

Plants are found everywhere and have specific requirements to survive and grow. Sunlight, water, nutrients, air, soil, and temperature are the key factors. Plants rely upon for their survival, growth, and development.


Plants need sunlight to grow. Light is used as a source of energy for making food by the process called photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis is unique to autotrophic (or green) plants.

Animals do not have the ability of photosynthesis and thus depend on plants and other animals for food. Hence, life on earth depends upon the sun.

Water and Mineral

Water is very important for every cell in our body. Plants also need minerals (nutrients) to survive. Both water and nutrients are taken up through the roots from the soil.

Most important nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and potassium (K). However, other minerals like carbonhydrogenoxygenpotassium also constitute essential components for the survival of plants.

Fertilizers provides plants with nutrients; hence they are used by farmers to help grow all kinds of crops.

Air, Soil, and Temperature

Harmful pollutants make survival of plants difficult. Therefore, clean air is very important. Plants require oxygen to support cellular respiration (Figure 17).

Carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis. Exchange of theses two gases with environment plays a crucial role in plant survival.

Healthy soil and appropriate temperature are also very important for their survival.

Figure 17. Role of sunlight, water, soil, and nutrients on life of a plant
Figure 17. Role of sunlight, water, soil, and nutrients on life of a plant

Conservation of plant diversity

  Biodiversity is the pillar that allows ecosystems to function and humans to thrive. Without biodiversity in an ecosystem we would not have...